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Section VII - Personnel

701 Purpose of Personnel Policies 2015.pdf702 Introduction 2015.pdf703 Personnel Administration Generally 2015.pdf704 Standard Operating Procedures and Guides (SOP-SOG).pdf705 Job Announcement 2015.pdf706 Applications, Eligibility and Selection 2015.pdf707 Orientation and Probationary Period 2015.pdf708 Employee Status 2015.pdf709 Volunteers.pdf710 Employment of Relatives.pdf712 Driving Record.pdf713 Layoffs.pdf714 Voluntary Resignations.pdf715 Personnel Records.pdf716 Work Week and Working Hours.pdf718 Rest Periods and Meal Periods.pdf719 Management Leave.pdf723 Time Records.pdf726 Employee Travel Authorization and Reimbursement.pdf728 Holidays.pdf730 Jury Duty.pdf731 Maternity.pdf732 Parental Leave.pdf733 Use of Social Media.pdf734 Military Leave.pdf735 Unpaid Leave of Absence.pdf737 What the District Expects From You.pdf738 Political Activities of District Employees.pdf739 Cost Consciousness.pdf741 Appearance.pdf742 Smoking.pdf744 Work Place Harassment Policy.pdf744-A Policy Acknowledgement Form.pdf745 Non-Discrimination and Harassment 2015.pdf747 Performance Evaluation.pdf747.1 Preparing for and Conducting the Performance Review.pdf747-A Fire Chief's Performance Appraisal.pdf747-B Fire Chief's Self-Evaluation.pdf747-C YAMHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION.pdf747-C Performance Evaluation Review.pdf748 Fair Treatment Policy.pdf749 Progressive Discipline 2015.pdf751 Education and Training.pdf753 Sleeper Requirements and Regulations.pdf753.1 Sleeper Guideline.pdf754 Communications and Software Policy-C4.pdf754.1 Use of District Computers.pdf754.2 Information Security Policy.pdf754.3 Social Media Policy Language.pdf760 Violence in the Workplace.pdf761 Whistle Blower.pdf780 Fire Chief.pdf781 C-41 Assistant Fire Chief Recruit & Retention Revised 2018.pdf783.1 Y-C High School Instructor.pdf781 C-42 Assistant Fire Chief Revised 2018.pdf784 EMS Coordinator.pdf785 Lieutenant.pdf795 Fitness Room.pdf